Mechanics of NFP Financial Statements

In this Easy Guide module, participants learn the mechanics of reading and importantly; understanding their non-profit organization’s financial statements. 

This board training module (36 minutes run time) is presented in 3 parts:

Part 1 – What’s Under the Hood?

In this section, participants gain understanding of the importance of all the components of their non-profit financial report. Participants gain confidence in reading and understanding the key financial information included with each component of the accountant’s report. 

Part 2 – How to Diagnose.  Applying information and tools learned in becoming confident in what’s under the hood of the financial statements, participants are introduced to key financial health checks to be applied to better understand the fiscal well-being of the organization.

Part 3 – Ongoing Maintenance.  In the third part of this short training module, participants are introduced to the financial governance DASHBOARD a tool that will increase the effectiveness of the boards ability to govern and save board time in the process.