Governing Your Greatest Asset

Governing Your Greatest Asset - The Loan Portfolio

CFDC, CBDC and CF Directors and Loan Review Committee members have asked great questions.  Here are just a few:

·       Without loan fund governance experience, how do we govern our organization’s greatest tangible asset … the loan fund?

·       Even as a person with bank lending experience, how to become more confident as a developmental lender?

·       How do I become more confident in what to look for when reviewing staff’s recommendation on a loan? 

Combining my 40 plus years’ commercial, angel and developmental lending experience with my years’ experience as a mentor, coach and trainer to Community Futures boards and lending staff, I have built this program to address these valid board questions and concerns.

The program is built in 2 parts. 

Part 1 – Governing the Loan Fund Portfolio

Part 2 – Understanding Developmental Lending.  This portion of the training is built around the 5 Cs of developmental lending credit.  Training provided include knowing and understanding 5 key business financial health checks. 

Available through a series of 7 short, easy to access training modules, the program includes:

·       Work Book

·       Loan Adjudication Check List Template


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