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Compassion is a Choice and a Skill

growth influence kindness leadership

Finding Significance in the Modern World

In his book "Intentional Living", John C. Maxwell explores the impact of putting people first. He talks about improving one's contribution by shifting focus from success to significance. How do you define significance? What is important to you?

The answer may surprise you. Significance is not about how much money we make or who we have as friends. It's about something much more essential to the survival of the human race.

Quietening the Noise

As Malcom Forbes said, "People who matter are most aware that everyone else does too." The most significant thing we can do is to care about others.

This is not easy in our social media infused world where everyone speaks and few people listen. The noise of self-promotion and opinion sharing can be deafening, but it is up to us to choose what we value. Shifting from preoccupation with ourselves to thinking about others is where compassion begins.

But What Is Compassion?

People sometimes confuse sympathy with compassion. When we feel sympathy, we recognize the suffering of others, but it is with a sense that what they are experiencing could not happen to us.

Compassion is something larger. With compassion, we imagine the suffering of others as if it is our own.

Building Your Capacity

Compassion is a choice and it is something that can be developed. The more we feel compassion, the more likely we are to react with kindness in mind.

To build your capacity for compassion, follow these tips from John C. Maxwell:

  • Develop a greater appreciation for other people. Really take notice of their strengths and gifts. Celebrate all that they offer.
  • Ask to hear other people's stories. The world is filled with people who wish others would listen. If you are truly present, they will tell you about their lives.
  • Put yourself in other people's shoes. The best way to side-step judgment is to imagine yourself in someone else's shoes. The next time you find yourself assuming that a person who is suffering caused their own problems, take a few minutes and imagine what you would do in their circumstances.
  • Put other people's interest at the top of your list of priorities. Every day we decide how we will spend our time and we do this based on our priorities. Make compassion a deliberate focus.

Acts of Kindness

CBC has started an inspiring website called Acts of Kindness. They post stories of compassion from across our country. As in most human endeavours, we benefit from seeing how other people do it. This website is a wonderful way to learn about compassion.

Compassion is what holds us together as a society. When everything else falters, kindness can see us through. This is true of our families as well as our businesses. If we can sustain a compassionate attitude towards others, we can get through anything.

Call to Action

Next week, make a conscious effort to hear other people's stories. Listen to understand and then put yourself in their shoes.

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