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Focused Thinking for Success


Like me, you have likely heard someone being referred to as having a “one-track mind.” In most circumstances, the comment is not intended to be a compliment. 

Yet when we look at any successful person or organization, we find the success they achieved often resulted from their power to focus on one thing at a time. Having a focused “one-track mind” is key to success. 

Let’s look at Jeff Bezos, undoubtedly the most successful online retailer of all time. When he founded Amazon from his garage in 1994, it started small and focused – an online bookstore. His vision for Amazon was to provide easy access to an overwhelming number of book titles, without ever leaving your home. While his ultimate goal was to create a multi-faceted online shopping experience, he knew the key to growth wasn’t trying to do everything at once but rather focusing on one business unit at a time.

Only when he had succeeded in creating a profitable and established online bookstore, did he expand into selling music and videos. Once that was established, he grew from there. Each step of the way he had a one-track mind that allowed him to focus on the task at hand. It is through this single-mindedness that he was able to grow Amazon into the retail giant it is today.

Know your goal

Famed success author, teacher and coach Dr. Napoleon Hill once said he had never known a person who had great success in their occupation without having a strong ability to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Success requires focused thinking on a defined purpose or goal. In his book Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement, Hill wrote, “Definiteness of Purpose (clearly defined goals) is the starting point of all achievement.”

To have focused thinking we must first have a clearly defined and understood goal or purpose. While this can take some time to define and refine, the more passionate our desire to achieve our goal; the quicker and more successful we will be in making our vision a reality.

Jeff Bezos had a clear vision for Amazon. He was passionate about creating a new retail shopping experience that people could access from their homes. He knew to do this he needed to stay focused on first introducing the concept in a category which many people were purchasing (books). He then introduced new products in a logical manner (going from books to music and videos) achieving each goal before moving on to the next.

It was this strategic and targeted approach that allowed Amazon to grow and flourish.

Okay, this all sounds great for Jeff Bezos (because he is a successful billionaire) but you are likely thinking how does it relate to me? I don’t operate at Jeff Bezos’ level.

Get started

In previous blogs I’ve talked about the work of John C. Maxwell. Having taken his courses and read his books, I truly believe he too can help you get the clarity and one-track mind you need to bring your visions to life.

In his book and newly created on-line course – How Successful People Think, he digs deeper on the benefits of focused thinking, providing tools and advice on how to be and stay focused. Over 13 modules, he walks participants through models used by successful leaders, like Jeff Bezos, which you can implement in your own life.

I am passionate about helping people lead their best life and want to offer you a deal that will help you succeed. We have been able to negotiate a special price of $99US for our community to access to this online course . This price is available until February 28, 2020 when it will increase to $197US.

I encourage you to take the next step in your personal and professional growth. Ask yourself – do you have a clearly defined goal and do you have a one-track-mind in doing the work needed to achieve this goal? Are you ready to add some new tools to help you achieve this goal faster? If so, take a look at what John C. Maxwell has to offer. Afterall, you never lose when you are investing in you!

Check out our previous blogs on "Thinking for Success"  below.

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