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How to Ask Great Questions and Become a Better Leader


All Questions Are Not Created Equal

Do you want to be a better leader? If so, start by learning how to ask great questions. All questions are not created equal. Some questions are more powerful than others.

Asking the right questions can help you gain a better understanding of yourself, your team, and the world. When you know how to ask the right questions, you are a better leader and you make better decisions.

In this blog post, we will discuss the art of questioning and provide some tips for doing it well.

The Importance of Great Questions

Asking great questions has a number of benefits. First, asking a great question shows that you are interested in others and their opinions. This can help build trust and rapport.

Also, asking great questions helps you gather information and get to the root of problems. With the answer to each great question, you can insight and can ask more questions of the same quality. This leads to deeper understanding for everyone involved. Plus, once you understand the problem, asking the right questions helps you come up with creative solutions.

But it's not just about solving problems. Asking questions is the main way people understand themselves. The questions that concern you say a lot about who you are and what you value. Your questions are a window into your thought process.

4 Steps Towards Asking Great Questions

Here are a few tips on how to ask great questions:

  1. Think before you speak. Take a moment to consider what you want to learn before you ask a question. This will help you avoid asking leading or loaded questions. Whenever possible, avoid questions that can be answered with one or two words. Seek as much information as you can gather. Give people the opportunity to share their full thoughts.
  2. Be respectful. Respect the opinions of others, even if you don't agree with them. This plays a part both in the questions you ask and the responses you give to the answers you're given. Remember, you want to encourage others to be open and honest with you.
  3. Be curious: Approach the world with the enthusiasm for discovery we see in children. People will be drawn into the inquiry. Plus, being curious will help you keep an open mind. To increase the reach of your natural curiosity, challenge yourself to see things from different perspectives. This will help you ask interesting questions.
  4. Great leaders talk less because they are busy doing something more important—listening! Take in the answers you receive with true care. Follow up on anything you are unsure about and confirm your understanding. The more discussion that is involved, the better for everyone. When supported by deep listening, a great question often leads to more great questions. That's just how it works.

Leaders Are Learners

Leaders should always be willing to learn. They should have a genuine interest in other people's ideas. They should be masters at the art of asking great questions. Amongst the many benefits, perhaps the greatest is this—asking great questions creates trust.

Call to Action

Asking great questions is a skill that takes practice. By following the 4 steps provided above, you can become a better questioner and leader today. So, what are you waiting for? Start asking!

"Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water." –Alison Gopnik (professor of psychology)

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