Growth Insider

How to Make Learning a Daily Habit


Furthering Your Education

It's a rite of passage for young people to identify an area of study for their further education. They attend a post-secondary institution and acquire credentials. When they graduate, we celebrate because they have fulfilled a major learning goal.

But learning does not end with graduation. One could argue the opposite—that real learning begins after graduation when we go out into the real world. And it never ends. So long as we are alive, we need to be engaged in growth.

Making Ongoing Growth Routine

If you're not actively pursuing new knowledge and skills, you are falling behind. In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to make learning a part of your daily routine. To keep your mind limber and strong, you need to stay mentally fit.

There are so many benefits to sustaining personal growth. You will remain engaged in life and avoid boredom. People will enjoy your presence and welcome you into their pursuits. You will remain relevant and essential no matter what technology changes occur. Plus, you will be happy.

Five Steps to Make Learning a Habit

Here are five ways to make learning your daily habit:

  1. Pick something you're interested in. One of the best ways to make sure you stick with a learning plan is to choose subjects you are genuinely interested in. Which questions haunt your mind? What skills do you yearn to acquire? That is where you want to focus. Curiosity is one of the most precious gifts we have. The nudges to explore that pass through our minds are hearts are where learning starts.
  2. Set aside time every day. A habit is something we do all of the time. If you truly want to commit to ongoing growth, you need to set aside time every day for learning. Even 30 minutes a day will change your life. If you learn best when you're fresh, do it first thing in the morning. If you do your deeper thinking at night after the workday, learn then. The main thing is to choose a time and stick to it. If life interferes and you are unable to follow your plan on a particular day, catch up on your learning at a different time as soon as possible.
  3. Find a method that works for you. There are countless ways to learn and we all have our preferences. Some learn best by doing, others by reading or by getting together with a group of people for a rousing discussion. If you're a visual learner, watch educational videos, or look for a meaningful infographic and post it on your office wall. If you prefer hands-on learning, look for opportunities to participate in activities that will build your skills. There is no single right way to learn, so mix things up. Switch methods from time to time, so you won't get bored.
  4. Surround yourself with passionate learners. None of us walk alone. It always helps to have inspiring people nearby. Others also help us remain accountable. By sharing our plans, we deepen our commitment. Plus, we learn from each other. Whether we are explaining our ideas or listening to others explaining theirs, the discussion deepens our thinking and expands our experience.
  5. Go for quality. The world is filled with exciting opportunities to learn new ideas and build new skills. None of us can do it all and so we must make choices. Learning is an ongoing experiment. Watch the results and act accordingly. When you find activities and people and subjects that yield powerful results in your life, that is where your time is best spent.

How Do You Learn?

Making learning a daily habit begins with self-awareness. Before anything else, we need to pause and consider who we are and what we need.

Here are some powerful questions to help you begin:

  • What are you working on learning right now?
  • What was the last new thing you learned how to do?
  • How do you learn best?
  • In the past, who helped you learn and grow the most?

Call to Action

Over the next week, work through the five steps explained in this blog. Stick with your daily plan for at least one month. Then let us know how it went. I predict that once you have experienced this daily habit, you will not want to stop.

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