Growth Insider

The Amazing Power of the Compound Effect

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Little Nudges Over Time

Imagine if you could exponentially increase your results simply by doing something small every day. This is the secret recipe for success in every area of life.

We accomplish our goals not by one big push, but by little nudges over time. That's the power of what Darren Hardy calls the compound effect.

In his book entitled The Compound Effect he tells us, "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

Here's How It Works

The compound effect is gradual. By following a consistent process, we accomplish extraordinary results over time. Daily actions compound as time passes. Great things can be accomplished by anyone willing to harness this power.

In business, the compound effect is often seen in the form of compounding interest. The longer we keep our money invested, the more it will grow.

In fitness, the compound effect can be seen in the way that small changes to our diet and exercise routine lead to major improvements in our health over time.

In personal relationships, the compound effect can be seen in the way that small acts of kindness and love can lead to deeper and more lasting bonds.

How to Harness the Power

We have gathered a few of the most powerful strategies from Darren Hardy's book. For more information, we encourage you to read the book.

  • Start with a plan. Before you can harness the power of the compound effect, you need to have a clear goal and to recognize the behaviours that lead towards that goal. Design the life you want, including personal and career goals.
  • Consistency is the ultimate key to success. It's about showing up for yourself every day. Once you know your goals and the behaviours that support them, make it your priority to do these things daily.
  • Track your progress. Planning is a lot easier than following a plan. We can never be sure we are living our goals if we do not take the time to track our actions. Once a week, review your plan. Are you doing what you intended? How well are things progressing?
  • If you aren't better, work harder. Sometimes we set out a plan and commit to the daily behaviours needed to support our goal, but we do not see the results we wanted. Don’t let this discourage you. This is the moment at which you can really harness the power of the compound effect. To do that, you need to increase the daily behaviours. Small changes can yield big results as long as we are brave enough to keep trying.
  • Eliminate triggers for bad behaviour. We all recognize the behaviours that go against our goals. For example, we may want to lose weight, but enjoy double-fudge chocolate ice cream. If the ice cream is in our freezer, it is easier to engage in the behaviour that prevents us from losing weight. A simple solution is to not keep the ice cream in the freezer.
  • What you appreciate, appreciates. Be your own best friend. As much as it helps to notice behaviours that prevent us from reaching our goals, it is even more powerful to celebrate our growth. Pay attention to what you do well, especially the little things you do every day that support your big goals. The power of the compound effect is supercharged by self-recognition.

Make your choices ones that support your dreams. Then watch the power of the compound effect transform your life.

Call to Action

  1. Over the next week, review your goals and come up with one or two daily behaviours that will support a key goal.
  2. Commit to engaging in these daily behaviours for one month.
  3. At the end of the month, track your progress. Let us know how it goes. We always love to hear about your experiences.

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